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Chronic kidney disease

What causes chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

Chronic kidney disease is a common disease that people face. Some people have more risk of CKD. They are,

  • Having a family member with kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Being over 60 years old
  • Being African-American, Hispanic, Native American or Asian
  • Diabetes


What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

The following symptoms show that your kidneys start to fail.

  • Too much urine (pee) or lack of urine
  • Muscle and vomiting
  • Swelling in your feet and ankles
  • Itching
  • Trouble catching your breath
  • Not feeling hungry
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Trouble sleeping


And also, you can see the following symptoms when your kidneys stop working.

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Abdominal (belly) pain
  • Back pain
  • Nosebleeds
  • Vomiting

However, if you see these symptoms, meet your doctor right away.

Complications of CKD

Further move, kidneys are essential for people because they support your whole body work correctly. Chronic kidney disease creates many diseases in your body. Some of the common complications of chronic kidney disease are the following.

  • Bone disease
  • Heart disease
  • High potassium
  • Anemia
  • High calcium
  • Fluid buildup


Stages of CKD

chronic kidney disease has five stages. However, these five stages depend on how well the kidneys do their work.


How can I prevent CKD?

In fact, the most common causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure. When preventing chronic kidney disease, you should consider about your blood pressure and blood sugar. You can meet your doctor and get advice from him. If you have a healthy lifestyle, it supports avoid high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease. The following factors help lower your risk of kidney disease.

  • Follow a low-salt, low-fat diet
  • Do not smoke or use tobacco
  • Have regular check-ups with your doctor
  • Limit alcohol
  • the recommended time is 30 minutes per day


How do I know if I have CKD?

Move over, you can see different symptoms after damage your kidneys. Therefore as a solution for it, you should do tests. There are various tests.

eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate)

it shows you how well your kidneys are cleaning your blood. Usually, the body generates a lot of waste always. Healthy kidneys cause remove debris from your blood. Creatinine is one waste of your body.

Nevertheless, too much creatinine is terrible for you because they create problems in kidneys. You can identify the quantity of creatinine from the blood test. And also, eGFR should higher than 60 for three months or more.


Urine test

That is another test. This test shows included blood or protein in your urine (pee). Actually, kidneys make urine. When your urine consists of blood or protein, your kidneys do not work well.


Blood pressure

Blood pressure is a test that shows how well your heart is working to pump your blood. Besides, kidney disease occurs as a result of high blood pressure. On the other hand, high blood pressure causes kidney disease. Thus top blood pressure act as a sign to show your kidneys working not well. Similarly, normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 (120 over 80).


How is CKD treated?

Follow these steps to protect your kidneys from kidney disease.

  • Keep a healthy blood pressure
  • Limit alcohol
  • if you have diabetes Control your blood sugar
  • Keep a healthy weight
  • Don’t smoke or use tobacco
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes
  • Talk to your doctor about medicines
  • Follow a low-salt, low-fat diet
  • In addition to that, dialysis and kidney transplant used for kidney disease.


Kidney – friendly diet for CKD

In conclusion, you can use a kidney-friendly menu. That is a healthy meal plan, and it helps protect your organs.

Find kidney-friendly recipes on Kidney Kitchen

Finally, you can find friendly recipes for kidney disease. In this case, you should consider the type of food and quantity of food.

Consider these conditions and try to protect your kidneys from chronic kidney disease.


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