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HomeCoronavirus (COVID-19)Corona Effect as of 1st May 2021

Corona Effect as of 1st May 2021 [In Major Countries of the World]

The summer is fast approaching, and many people spontaneously think about traveling. The vaccinating processes are rapidly going on all over the world, new variants are emerging, and it still seems like a mess in most countries. This is indeed a pandemic, an unbelievable one, to say the least. Anyway, let’s take a moment and see how the situation is in major countries on this world Labor Day; the Corona effect as of 1st May 2021.



Corona effect


The US started their vaccinating program in the month of December 2020, and at the end of April 2021, over 43% of people have received at least one dose of vaccines; the number is over 143 million. 30% of the population got fully vaccinated (two doses), and it is continuing at a rapid rate as we speak. Similar to the world, there are multiple variants of Coronavirus found inside the US as well. As per the news, there are five variants causing concerns in the country and the medical authority of the US are conducting studies about the transmissible rate and the strength of the new variants day in day out.


624 deaths reported after the week started on the 19th of April, which is about 8% less than the average of previous weeks. Even though the figure is still considerable, there are positives in the US, and we hope the Corona effect will get decreased in the coming weeks.


India in Corona effect

Corona effect

The situation in India is quite grim, and unfortunate to see that the positivity rate in New Delhi alone is at whopping 32%. The numbers of India are devastating to speak of; in fact, there were more than 300,000 new cases reported during the last week alone. Overall, as of the 1st of May, India has over 3 million active cases, and it has reached 208,000 deaths in the past week. Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi are the most affected states of the country.


Another disheartening issue of India is the Oxygen crisis, and according to “The Hindu,” it is expected to remain till mid-May. Several hospitals in major cities like New Delhi and Mumbai have suffered from the lack of Oxygen, and a huge number of deaths reported because of this issue.


India barely had any chance of catering to the sudden and massive demand for Oxygen. In fact, the current daily usage is more than eight times higher than the usual at 7,200 tonnes and increasing. However, as said, the supply not expected to reach 9,000 tonnes until mid-May. All in all, the situation in India is catastrophic as of today, and the forecasts are such that it will remain the same this week as well.


The UK in Corona effect

Corona effect

The UK is another country with staggering numbers, but it must be said that they are in a downtrend with new Coronavirus cases. The death count of the UK is 127,517 as of now, and more than 4.4 million cases reported from the country. The interesting part about the UK is that more than 34 million people have received the first dose of vaccine, and the average number of new cases has dramatically fallen in recent weeks.


Also, more than 14 million people received the second dose of the vaccine, and the government is focusing more on providing the second dose for those who already had the first one rather than the new ones. The situation in the UK seems rather OK for now, and some say a mask-free summer is on the cards. However, the scientific experts of the country suggest that there will be another wave coming towards them before the end of this year.


Brazil in Corona effect

Corona effect

The Corona effect of Brazil prevails more or less the same for the last couple of months, and as of now, the death count of the country is at 404,000. In fact, it is the second-highest in the world, behind the USA. On average, 3,000 Brazilian died throughout the last month (April), and the government of Brazil is struggling with its vaccination programs. The president of the country is under scrutiny all the while as he tends to speak against lockdowns, masks and other recommended Coronavirus precautions.


The government implementations against the pandemic appear to be one of the major reasons for widespread of the virus. ICU beds are more than 90% full in most parts of Brazil, and things are looking ominous for the coming few weeks. More than 100,000 deaths out of 404,000 reported during the last 40 days, and this is the worst period since the start of the pandemic.


Overall, Brazil had nearly 15 million Corona cases, and some cities of the country now have stopped the vaccinations because of the lack of availability of doses.


France in Corona effect

Corona effect

France president Mr Emmanuel Macron stated that the government of France would lift the nightly curfew of the country from 19th May. This says the country is gradually entering the reopening phase. Also, tourists have the chance to visit France from June 9 onwards, given they are properly vaccinated or possess valid PCR report. However, the situation is not that smooth as the words suggest because still medical authorities of France reporting more than 30,000 cases per day. Further, there are over 5,500 ICU patients, and the hospitals are very much full in the entire country.


By the 29th of April, France had more than 5.6 Coronavirus cases and suffered more than 104,500 deaths. The government of France and the Coronavirus indicators do show some good signs during the last week; particularly with the moving average of daily new cases. Although there is a slight drop in the new cases, the numbers are still considerable, and we would say France is no way out of the danger.


This is the Corona effect of five of the most hampered countries of the world. Yes, it’s now nearly one and half years from the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Still, we have the same precautionary steps to implement to keep this horrific virus at bay. Stick to them!



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