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HomeFoodsNatural Foods for Hair Growth

Natural Foods for Hair Growth

Almost all people want to have long and strong hair as it is considered as the main component of one’s physical well being and nice appearance. Lots of issues with hair fall and hair damage come when people start to grow older. Sources reveal that hair grows around 1.25cm per month and 15cm per year normally. Hair growth depends on the number of factors like age, health, and what we eat (nutrition). So even though we are unable to control factors like age and health, we can have natural foods that enable us for the growth of our hair. Therefore without using artificial medicine to grow our hair, we all can use the following natural food items to fulfill the same requirement with less budget and zero side effects.


Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes

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Have you ever thought that sweet potatoes are good for your hair? A compound called beta-carotene is included in sweet potatoes and the body converts this into vitamin A after digestion. Vitamin A encourages the production of sebum which is identified as the main component of healthy hair and the researches also proves that it speeds up the rate of hair growth. So why waste money on expensive oils when you can easily have sweet potatoes.




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Vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron promote hair growth. Can you find a natural food that has all these components? The answer is simply yes. Spinach contains all these valuable nutrients which support the growth of your hair. The iron contains in spinach has the metabolism to repair your damaged hair too. The researches also explain that 54% of our daily vitamin A needs can be fulfilled by a 30 grams spinach cup. Did you find a way to treat your damaged hair? Here is the solution.




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Avocados are filled with vitamin E. Hair experts mention that vitamin E protects the scalp and in return protects the hair. The researches also reveal that one medium avocado fulfills 21% of our daily vitamin E requirement. Another study also reveals the fact that people with damaged hair experienced a 34.5% hair growth after having vitamin E for eight consecutive months. So why do we need any other oil with vitamin E when we have natural avocados? Think about it.




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Beans contain more proteins that are essential for hair growth. Beans also contain nutrients like folate, biotin, and iron which are identified as main components for hair growth. In addition to that beans contain zinc which is essential for hair growth and damaged hair repair process. Are beans hard to find? Are beans expensive? The answer is “NO”. So try and add it to your diet and feel it.



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Nuts as a remedy for hair fall? Nuts as food for hair growth? Have you ever thought about it? Nuts contain vitamin B, vitamin E, and zinc. All these support hair growth and reduce hair fall. The researches show that 37% of the daily vitamin E requirement is fulfilled by 28 grams of nut. So consider adding nuts to your diet as well.

So there are so many natural foods that we use to grow our hair. Yet people go after artificial things for hair treatments. Why can’t we use natural foods for this purpose? Is it because of the mentality of the people or due to the publicity given for artificial oils? These natural foods can be found easily and for a much cheaper price. So do not follow what others do. Learn about the nutrients contain in this food. Learn the side effects of artificial oils.

Add these natural foods to your diet.

It will take care of your hair.


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